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Empowering students for a brighter future. 


Supporting education and empowerment.


Health Exams

Health exams are provided to sponsored children and to others in the communities where they live. These exams play a major role in resolving health issues that interfere with wellness and learning.


Nutritious Food

Twice a year families are provided with essential food supplies to help ensure they have proper nutrition and food to sustain them. Additionally, they plant seeds and farm so they can have food on an on-going basis.


School Supplies

Our sponsored children receive school supplies and health-hygiene supplies to use throughout their school year. Each child receives uniforms, socks, shoes and all scholastic fees are paid.


Ready for School

We sponsor children in primary, secondary and vocational levels. Students that pass their P7 exams and show motivation to continue with their education receive financial support for secondary school. If students have a vocational interest to pursue we encourage that and support them in receiving this specialized training.


Today’s students are
tomorrow’s leaders.

We sponsor children that would not receive an education without our support. We work with them to overcome the many challenges they have in receiving quality education.


Annual Report

Dedicated to change.

We need young talented people to advance our society and make the world a better place for everyone. Extreme poverty stands in the way of finding many of these young people.

Grace World Ministries reaches out to the bright and deserving children that would change the world if they had the chance. We help by giving them the opportunity to receive an education that can open the door to their greatness.