Dedicated team with a proven record of success.


Ground Team

We have an expert team working on the ground in Uganda. The team delivers school items to students, completes registration and pays fees. They also coordinate special programs and projects.


Sam Kiggundu
Olivia Kiggundu


Volunteers are recruited on an as needed basis




We have partnerships with other non-profit organizations, non-governmental organizations, and volunteers to fulfill the mission and vision of Grace World Ministries.


Sam Kiggundu
Tendo La Upendo

Henry Schein Cares
(medical-dental supplies) 

In Touch Ministries
(solar powered audio players)

Uganda Ministries
(child sponsorship)


Leadership Team

Betty and Reggie Edwards founded Grace World Ministries in 2016. Betty has 35 years of social work experience at the master’s level. Reggie is a Veteran of the USAF and served as a security specialist for the 301WSF, with tours in Ireland and Izmir, Turkey. He has 20 years of experience as owner of a successful business. They both have a passion for empowering families through education.


Betty Edwards

Reggie Edwards