Sponsor a Campaign

Sponsorship means children that are living in impoverished communities and villages will have the opportunity to rise from poverty to prosperity. Our supporters provide the lifeline needed for children to obtain a quality education when previously they could only dream of going to school. Sponsorship plays a vital role in supporting programs that are breaking through racial, economic, and social barriers. We are also working to conquer the gender inequities in the world. Our programs work with children and families to develop boys and girls that grow up and become positive forces in the world.


Girl Power

We provide reusable sanitary pads to girls to support menstrual health and hygiene. A powerful way of promoting gender equality is removing the menstrual barrier that makes many girls drop out of school.

Sponsor a Child

Sponsoring a child provides a quality education and the support needed to be successful. We work with each family to overcome barriers and provide needed resources for the child thrive physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually.



Vitamins and Toothbrushes

We sponsor dental and medical clinics in rural communities. Doctors and nurses are available to give medical and dental exams. They also perform medical and dental treatments on site. Children receive needed vaccinations and they receive dental hygiene education.

Solar Lights

Most of our students in Uganda live in rural villages with no electricity. Solar lighting will enable them to study in the evening when there is no sunlight.  These lights also enhance the family’s ability to safely move around in their homes at night.